Textured Floor Section Mockup on the New TTC Subway Train

Textured Floor Section Mockup on the New TTC Subway Train

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Flickr icon for Rachael Ashe
Submitted by Rachael Ashe on Fri 2006-06-23 09:29 #

I like that there is EVEN MORE red on the TTC trains.

Flickr icon for sillygwailo
Submitted by sillygwailo on Fri 2006-06-23 11:52 #

They're asking people what colour scheme the new cars should have. I'm thinking red is pretty much the way to go.

Flickr icon for wilson_wu@rogers.com
Submitted by wilson_wu@rogers.com on Fri 2007-04-13 19:03 #

Ew I don't like that type of texture for the red guidy thingy for the blind.
Imagine all the gum and the crap that will get stuck in the crevices.

Why not a sandpaper textured floor to help guide the blind?

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