Adrian wearing Mountie Cap and T-shirt, with Mountie Bear

Adrian wearing Mountie Cap and T-shirt, with Mountie Bear

Sorry about the smudging of the info on the paper behind Adrian. They weren't exactly secrets but weren't exactly public information either.

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Flickr icon for andreavallejos
Submitted by andreavallejos on Thu 2005-11-10 04:23 #

MOUNTIeS! MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Flickr icon for sillygwailo
Submitted by sillygwailo on Thu 2005-11-10 09:23 #

Just in case there is any confusion, this is my friend and co-worker from South Africa who was visiting our Vancouver office and who is, shall we say, a very big fan of mounties as well. :)

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group: Bryght