Cool flower store on the SW Broadway side of Portland, Oregon

Cool flower store on the SW Broadway side of Portland, Oregon

On the Starbucks corner. (Just wait, there will be a second corner of that block with a Starbucks soon, making a liar out of me.) The store has an excellent variety of beautiful flowers, and inexpensive but pretty vases available as well. It's where I learned a tip for cutting roses (or any type of long-stem flowers): cut at an angle so that the flowers can get the most water.

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Flickr icon for R.
Submitted by R. on Sun 2005-04-03 22:52 #

Rather than "the Starbucks corner" how about Broadway and Morrison at Square Peg Flowers?

Great picture but someone should PS out the Visa/Mastercard sign

Flickr icon for sillygwailo
Submitted by sillygwailo on Sun 2005-04-03 23:59 #

Good call, but I forgot the name of the cross-street (Morrison), so Starbucks as a landmark it was. Besides, they drove a dumptruck full of money up to my apartment. I'm not made of stone!

I'll keep the credit card logo in (hence the second dumptruck full of money they drove to my apartment), but tell you what, I'll license the photo so that people can legally make alterations as they see fit.

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sillygwailo added a note: That's right, they accept MasterCard and Visa. It's a rare business in Portland that doesn't take credit cards, though asking whether my card is "debit or credit?" was a little jarring since Canadians usually have a separate card for debit.