Dirty train on display at Vancouver City Centre Station

Dirty train on display at Vancouver City Centre Station

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Flickr icon for roland
Submitted by roland on Sat 2009-07-25 22:34 #

what do you mean by "dirty"?
what is "transit bc" ?

Flickr icon for sillygwailo
Submitted by sillygwailo on Sun 2009-07-26 01:40 #

It's InTransitBC, the company that's building the Canada Line.

The trains were dirty, with bird business on one of them. I actually don't know if this is petty or not, but if I went to a car show, I would expect shiny cars.

Flickr icon for roland
Submitted by roland on Sun 2009-07-26 09:52 #

thanks for the clarifications, sorry the bird p**p wasn't clear to me! not sure what to make of 8 millionorgs.com, one of which is InBCTransit.org :-)

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groups: Vancouver Transit, Canada Line