The Very Virile Viking

The Very Virile Viking

Seen in the bargain bin at Zellers.

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Flickr icon for leftwingedmama
Submitted by leftwingedmama on Fri 2006-12-22 06:09 #

Am I the only one who is bothered by how historically inaccurate this illustration is?

Its hilarious because its so very very very wrong

Flickr icon for Kris Krug
Submitted by Kris Krug on Fri 2006-12-22 10:13 #

rowr... i'm bothered, but for different reasons apparently

Flickr icon for sarahfelicity
Submitted by sarahfelicity on Wed 2006-12-27 08:46 #

oh my. if he's a very little viking, i'm not sure that my delicate self could handle a very *big* viking...

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Flickr icon for leftwingedmama

leftwingedmama added a note: WHAT???